Check Regex Patterns in JavaScript with helping-js.
🚀 Features
- 🎪 Regex Patterns: Check regex patterns in JavaScript
- 🦾 Include Most Useful: Include most useful regex patterns
- 🌎 No bundler required: Usable via CDN
- 🔩 Flexible: Configurable event filters and targets
- You can import in your js file es6 (modules,vue,react,...)
import { RX_HREF } from "helping-js/core/regex"; // Check URL
const value = "";
if (RX_HREF.test(value)) {
console.log("Valid URL");
} else {
console.log("Invalid URL");
- You can import in your js file es5 (nodejs)
const { RX_HREF } = require("helping-js/core/regex"); // Check URL
const value = "";
if (RX_HREF.test(value)) {
console.log("Valid URL");
} else {
console.log("Invalid URL");
- You can usage from CDN (only modules)
import { RX_HREF } from "";
const value = "";
if (RX_HREF.test(value)) {
console.log("Valid URL");
} else {
console.log("Invalid URL");
JavaScript Regex Constants
Title | Const | Regex | Sample | Description |
Array Notation | RX_ARRAY_NOTATION | /\[(\d+)]/g | array[0] | Get array notation |
Digits | RX_DIGITS | /^\d+$/ | 123 | Digits |
Extension | RX_EXTENSION | /^\..+/ | .test | File extension |
Hash | RX_HASH | /^#/ | #test | Hash |
Hash ID | RX_HASH_ID | /^#[A-Za-z]+[\w\-:.]*$/ | #test | Hash ID |
HTML Tags | RX_HTML_TAGS | /(<([^>]+)>)/gi | <div> | HTML tags |
Hyphenate | RX_HYPHENATE | /\B([A-Z])/g | teSt | Hyphenate |
Lower Upper | RX_LOWER_UPPER | /([a-z])([A-Z])/g | testTAt | Lower before upper |
Number | RX_NUMBER | /^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$/ | 123123 | Just number |
Float Number | RX_FLOAT_NUMBER | `/^\d+(.\d+)?$ | ^\d+.$/` | 123.123 |
Plus | RX_PLUS | /\+/g | + | Get plus |
Regexp Replace | RX_REGEXP_REPLACE | `/[-/\^$*+?.() | []{}]/g` | `[-/\^$*+?.() |
Spaces | RX_SPACES | /[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+/g | [s\uFEFF\xA0] | Get spaces |
Space Split | RX_SPACE_SPLIT | /\s+/ | s+ | First split spaces |
Start Space Word | RX_START_SPACE_WORD | /(^)(\w)/g | test | Get start space+charchter space charachters |
Trim Left | RX_TRIM_LEFT | /^\s+/ | s+ | Get spaces from start |
Trim Right | RX_TRIM_RIGHT | /\s+$/ | s+ | Get spaces from end |
Underscore | RX_UNDERSCORE | /_/g | _ | Get _ |
Un Kebab | RX_UN_KEBAB | /-\w/g | -\w | Get -+charchter charchter |
Date | RX_DATE | `/^\d+-\d\d?-\d\d?(?:\s | T | $)/` |
Time | RX_TIME | `/^([0-1]?[0-9] | 2[0-3]):[0-5]?0-9?$/` | 13:00:00 |
Href | RX_HREF | /^.*(#[^#]+)$/ | | HREFs must end with a hash followed by at least one non-hash character |
Encoded Comma | RX_ENCODED_COMMA | /%2C/g | %2C | Encoded comma |
Aspect | RX_ASPECT | /^\d+(\.\d*)?[/:]\d+(\.\d*)?$/ | 1.5 | Aspect |
Aspect Separator | RX_ASPECT_SEPARATOR | /[/:]/ | : | Aspect separator |
Strip Locale Mods | RX_STRIP_LOCALE_MODS | /-u-.+/ | -u- | Strip locale unicode extensions |
Strip Locale Mods Global | RX_STRIP_LOCALE_MODS_GLOBAL | /-u-.+/g | -u- | Strip locale unicode extensions global |
Locale Mods | RX_LOCALE_MODS | /-u-.+/ | -u- | Locale unicode extensions |
Locale Mods Global | RX_LOCALE_MODS_GLOBAL | /-u-.+/g | -u- | Locale unicode extensions global |
Locale Mods Start | RX_LOCALE_MODS_START | /^-u-.+/ | -u- | Locale unicode extensions start |
Locale Mods Start Global | RX_LOCALE_MODS_START_GLOBAL | /^-u-.+/g | -u- | Locale unicode extensions start global |
Locale Mods End | RX_LOCALE_MODS_END | /-u-.+$/ | -u- | Locale unicode extensions end |
Locale Mods End Global | RX_LOCALE_MODS_END_GLOBAL | /-u-.+$/g | -u- | Locale unicode extensions end global |
Locale Mods Split | RX_LOCALE_MODS_SPLIT | /-u-/ | -u- | Locale unicode extensions split |
Locale Mods Split Global | RX_LOCALE_MODS_SPLIT_GLOBAL | /-u-/g | -u- | Locale unicode extensions split global |
Locale Mods Split Start | RX_LOCALE_MODS_SPLIT_START | /^-u-/ | -u- | Locale unicode extensions split start |
Locale Mods Split Start Global | RX_LOCALE_MODS_SPLIT_START_GLOBAL | /^-u-/g | -u- | Locale unicode extensions split start global |
Locale Mods Split End | RX_LOCALE_MODS_SPLIT_END | /-u-$/ | -u- | Locale unicode extensions split end |
Locale Mods Split End Global | RX_LOCALE_MODS_SPLIT_END_GLOBAL | /-u-$/g | -u- | Locale unicode extensions split end global |
Uppercase | RX_UPPERCASE | /^[A-Z]+$/ | TEST | Uppercase letters |
Lowercase | RX_LOWERCASE | /^[a-z]+$/ | test | Lowercase letters |
RX_EMAIL | /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/ | ` | ||
URL | RX_URL | `/^(https? | ftp)://[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$/i` | |
URL Path | RX_URL_PATH | `/^(https? | ftp)://[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$/i` | |
URL Query | RX_URL_QUERY | `/^(https? | ftp)://[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$/i` | |
URL Fragment | RX_URL_FRAGMENT | `/^(https? | ftp)://[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$/i` | |
IP | RX_IP | `/^(https? | ftp)://[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$/i` | |
IPv4 | RX_IPV4 | `/^(25[0-5] | 2[0-4][0-9] | [01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5] |
IPv6 | RX_IPV6 | `/([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}😃{7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4} | ([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}😃{1,7}: | ([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}😃{1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4} |
Hex Color | RX_HEX_COLOR | `/^#?([a-fA-F0-9]{6} | [a-fA-F0-9]{3})$/` | #000 |
UUID | RX_UUID | /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | UUID format |
UUID V1 | RX_UUID_V1 | /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-1[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i | 00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000000 | UUID v1 format |
UUID V2 | RX_UUID_V2 | /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-2[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i | 00000000-0000-2000-8000-000000000000 | UUID v2 format |
UUID V3 | RX_UUID_V3 | /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-3[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i | 00000000-0000-3000-8000-000000000000 | UUID v3 format |
UUID V4 | RX_UUID_V4 | /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i | 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 | UUID v4 format |
UUID V5 | RX_UUID_V5 | /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-5[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i | 00000000-0000-5000-8000-000000000000 | UUID v5 format |
Phone | RX_PHONE | /^\+?[0-9]{1,4}?[-. ]?\(?[0-9]{1,3}\)?[-. ]?[0-9]{1,4}[-. ]?[0-9]{1,4}$/ | +1 (555) 555-5555 | Phone number |
Credit Card | RX_CREDIT_CARD | `/^(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})? | 5[1-5][0-9]{14} | 3[47][0-9]{13} |
SSN | RX_SSN | /^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$/ | 123-45-6789 | Social security number |
SSN Partial | RX_SSN_PARTIAL | /^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{1,4}$/ | 123-45-6 | Partial social security number |
SSN Last Four | RX_SSN_LAST_FOUR | /^\d{4}$/ | 6789 | Last four of social security number |
SSN Full | RX_SSN_FULL | /^\d{9}$/ | 123456789 | Full social security number |
SSN Full Dash | RX_SSN_FULL_DASH | /^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$/ | 123-45-6789 | Full social security number with dashes |
SSN Full Space | RX_SSN_FULL_SPACE | /^\d{3} \d{2} \d{4}$/ | 123 45 6789 | Full social security number with spaces |
ISO Date | RX_ISO_DATE | `/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(?:.\d+)?(?:Z | [+-]\d{2}:\d{2})?$/` | 1999-01-20T22:51:49.118Z |
ISO Date Time | RX_ISO_DATE_TIME | /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/ | 1999-01-20T22:51:49 | ISO date time format |
ISO Date Time MS | RX_ISO_DATE_TIME_MS | /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{1,3}$/ | 1999-01-20T22:51:49.118 | ISO date time with milliseconds |
ISO Date Time TZ | RX_ISO_DATE_TIME_TZ | `/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z | [+-]\d{2}:\d{2}$/` | 1999-01-20T22:51:49Z |
ISO Date Time MS TZ | RX_ISO_DATE_TIME_MS_TZ | `/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{1,3}Z | [+-]\d{2}:\d{2}$/` | 1999-01-20T22:51:49.118Z |
Time 24H | RX_TIME_24H | `/^(0?[0-9] | 1[0-9] | 2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$/` |
Time 24H MS | RX_TIME_24H_MS | `/^(0?[0-9] | 1[0-9] | 2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9].\d{1,3}$/` |
Time 24H TZ | RX_TIME_24H_TZ | `/^(0?[0-9] | 1[0-9] | 2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]Z |
HTML Comment | RX_HTML_COMMENT | //g | <!-- test --> | HTML comment |
HTML Tag | RX_HTML_TAG | /<([a-z]+)([^<]+)(?:>(.)</\1> | \s+/>)/gi | <div>test</div> |
HTML Tag Attribute | RX_HTML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE | /([a-z-]+)="([^"]*)"/gi | class="test" | HTML tag attribute |
HTML Tag ID | RX_HTML_TAG_ID | /id="([^"]*)"/gi | id="test" | HTML tag ID |
HTML Tag Class | RX_HTML_TAG_CLASS | /class="([^"]*)"/gi | class="test" | HTML tag class |
HTML Tag Name | RX_HTML_TAG_NAME | /<([a-z]+)([^<]+)(?:>(.)</\1> | \s+/>)/gi | <div>test</div> |
HTML Tag Content | RX_HTML_TAG_CONTENT | /<([a-z]+)([^<]+)(?:>(.)</\1> | \s+/>)/gi | <div>test</div> |
HTML Tag Self Closing | RX_HTML_TAG_SELF_CLOSING | /<([a-z]+)([^<]+)(?:>(.)</\1> | \s+/>)/gi | <div>test</div> |
HTML Tag Start | RX_HTML_TAG_START | /<([a-z]+)([^<]+)(?:>(.)</\1> | \s+/>)/gi | <div>test</div> |
HTML Tag End | RX_HTML_TAG_END | /<([a-z]+)([^<]+)(?:>(.)</\1> | \s+/>)/gi | <div>test</div> |
HTML Tag Empty | RX_HTML_TAG_EMPTY | /<([a-z]+)([^<]+)(?:>(.)</\1> | \s+/>)/gi | <div>test</div> |
HTML Tag Comment | RX_HTML_TAG_COMMENT | /<([a-z]+)([^<]+)(?:>(.)</\1> | \s+/>)/gi | <div>test</div> |
File Path | RX_FILE_PATH | /^(/?[\w-]+)+/?$/ | /path/to/file | File path |
File Path Windows | RX_FILE_PATH_WINDOWS | /^(?:[a-zA-Z]:)?\/*[^\/]+$/ | C:\path\to\file | File path for Windows |
File Path Unix | RX_FILE_PATH_UNIX | /^/(?:[^/]+/)*[^/]+$/ | /path/to/file | File path for Unix |
File Path Mac | RX_FILE_PATH_MAC | /^/(?:[^/]+/)*[^/]+$/ | /path/to/file | File path for Mac |
JS Identifier | RX_JS_IDENTIFIER | /^[$A-Z_][0-9A-Z_$]*$/i | test | Valid JavaScript identifier |
Leading Trailing Whitespace | RX_LEADING_TRAILING_WHITESPACE | /^\s+ | \s+$/g | test |
JSON String | RX_JSON_STRING | /"(\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} | \[^u] | [^\"])*"/ |
JSON Number | RX_JSON_NUMBER | /-?\d*.?\d+/ | 123 | JSON number |
JSON Boolean | RX_JSON_BOOLEAN | /true | false/ | true |
JSON Null | RX_JSON_NULL | /null/ | null | JSON null |
JSON Object | RX_JSON_OBJECT | /{.*}/ | { "test": "test" } | JSON object |
JSON Array | RX_JSON_ARRAY | /[.*]/ | [1, 2, 3] | JSON array |
JSON Value | RX_JSON_VALUE | /(?:"(\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} | \[^u] | [^\"])*" |
JSON Pair | RX_JSON_PAIR | /"(\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} | \[^u] | [^\"])*"😦?:"(\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} |
JSON Array Element | RX_JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENT | /(?:"(\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} | \[^u] | [^\"])*" |
JSON Array Element Last | RX_JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENT_LAST | /(?:"(\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} | \[^u] | [^\"])*" |
JSON Array Element First | RX_JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENT_FIRST | /(?:"(\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} | \[^u] | [^\"])*" |
JSON Array Element Middle | RX_JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENT_MIDDLE | /(?:"(\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} | \[^u] | [^\"])*" |
Password | RX_PASSWORD | /^(?=.[A-Za-z])(?=.\d)[A-Za-z\d]{8,}$/ | test123 | Password (minimum 8 characters, at least one letter and one number) |
Password Uppercase | RX_PASSWORD_UPPERCASE | /^(?=.*[A-Z])/ | TEST | Password uppercase |
Password Lowercase | RX_PASSWORD_LOWERCASE | /^(?=.*[a-z])/ | test | Password lowercase |
Password Number | RX_PASSWORD_NUMBER | /^(?=.*\d)/ | 123 | Password number |
Password Special | RX_PASSWORD_SPECIAL | /^(?=.[!@#$%^&])/ | !@#$%^&* | Password special |
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking array notation.
Example usage:
import { RX_ARRAY_NOTATION } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_ARRAY_NOTATION;
const str = "array[0]";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking digits.
Example usage:
import { RX_DIGITS } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_DIGITS;
const str = "123";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking file extension.
Example usage:
import { RX_EXTENSION } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_EXTENSION;
const str = ".js";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking hash.
Example usage:
import { RX_HASH } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_HASH;
const str = "#test";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking hash id.
Example usage:
import { RX_HASH_ID } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_HASH_ID;
const str = "#test";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking HTML tags.
Example usage:
import { RX_HTML_TAGS } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_HTML_TAGS;
const str = "<div>";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking hyphenate.
Example usage:
import { RX_HYPHENATE } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_HYPHENATE;
const str = "teSt";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking lower upper.
Example usage:
import { RX_LOWER_UPPER } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_LOWER_UPPER;
const str = "testTAt";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking number.
Example usage:
import { RX_NUMBER } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_NUMBER;
const str = "123123";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking float number.
Example usage:
import { RX_FLOAT_NUMBER } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_FLOAT_NUMBER;
console.log(regex.test("123.123")); // Output: true
console.log(regex.test("60")); // Output: true
console.log(regex.test("60.5")); // Output: true
console.log(regex.test("60.")); // Output: true
console.log(regex.test(".5")); // Output: false
console.log(regex.test("abc")); // Output: false
console.log(regex.test("123.456")); // Output: true
console.log(regex.test("0.456")); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking plus.
Example usage:
import { RX_PLUS } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_PLUS;
const str = "+";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking regexp replace.
Example usage:
import { RX_REGEXP_REPLACE } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_REGEXP_REPLACE;
const str = "[-/\\^$*+?.()|[]{}]";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking spaces.
Example usage:
import { RX_SPACES } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_SPACES;
const str = "[s\uFEFF\xA0]";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking space split.
Example usage:
import { RX_SPACE_SPLIT } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_SPACE_SPLIT;
const str = "s+";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking start space word.
Example usage:
import { RX_START_SPACE_WORD } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_START_SPACE_WORD;
const str = "test";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking trim left.
Example usage:
import { RX_TRIM_LEFT } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_TRIM_LEFT;
const str = "s+";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking trim right.
Example usage:
import { RX_TRIM_RIGHT } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_TRIM_RIGHT;
const str = "s+";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking underscore.
Example usage:
import { RX_UNDERSCORE } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_UNDERSCORE;
const str = "_";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking un kebab.
Example usage:
import { RX_UN_KEBAB } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_UN_KEBAB;
const str = "-+charchter charchter";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking date.
Example usage:
import { RX_DATE } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_DATE;
const str = "1999-01-20T22:51:49.118Z";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking time.
Example usage:
import { RX_TIME } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_TIME;
const str = "13:00:00";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking href.
Example usage:
import { RX_HREF } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_HREF;
const str = "";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking encoded comma.
Example usage:
import { RX_ENCODED_COMMA } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_ENCODED_COMMA;
const str = "%2C";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking encode reverse.
Example usage:
import { RX_ENCODE_REVERSE } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_ENCODE_REVERSE;
const str = "!";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking query start.
Example usage:
import { RX_QUERY_START } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_QUERY_START;
const str = "?";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking aspect.
Example usage:
import { RX_ASPECT } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_ASPECT;
const str = "1:1";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking aspect separator.
Example usage:
import { RX_ASPECT_SEPARATOR } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_ASPECT_SEPARATOR;
const str = ":";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true
This constant represents a regular expression pattern for checking strip locale mods.
Example usage:
import { RX_STRIP_LOCALE_MODS } from "helping-js/core/regex";
const regex = RX_STRIP_LOCALE_MODS;
const str = "-u-";
console.log(regex.test(str)); // Output: true